Enhanced Training Programs

Pennsylvania’s new DCW Enhanced Training Programs are OLTL-approved, voluntary, paid programs dedicated to supporting caregivers who provide in-home support for older adults and people with disabilities.

This training is only for eligible Direct Care Workers under the CHC waiver.

$ Earn While You Learn $

Earn a stipend equal to $15 per hour for each training you complete.

Eligible DCWs will earn a $500 bonus when you complete ALL training programs.

Please reach out to our Enrollment Specialists to determine eligibility.

Safety Orientation

Frontline’s Safety Orientation Training is a HYBRID course (4 hours in-person, 4 hours online) offered throughout Pennsylvania.

The curriculum is designed to support caregivers who provide in-home care for older adults and people with disabilities.
BOTH sections of the Safety Orientation must be completed for credit and payment.

Foundational Skills Training

Frontline’s Foundational Skills Training is a series of online modules totaling 24 hours. Caregivers may enroll and attend classes via Zoom.